Monday, May 12, 2014

News & pictures

May, 2014.  This is the baby blanket I made for little Ruthie, the new little life of friends.  It's done all in single crochet.  Took several months to make it, but love it.

Stopped alongside the road one day to take pix of the bay and caught a pic of the train going by.

Fish Hoek is seen in the distance of this pic, nestled at the foot of the mountains. Beautiful surf and mountains.
These are the cards I'm making for all the birthdays every month of the 200+ staff and volunteers at Living Hope.  Love doing it and it gives me an opportunity to get to know folks there.
In my corner of the Resource Center at Living Hope.  Holding a cake holder.  I make about 2 cakes a week.  Everyone still wants chocolate, but, I'm developing other flavors: lemon, carrot cake, and Butternut cake.  Not much "wiggle" room anywhere at Living Hope due to all the supplies stored for different ministries.

This is the movie we are showing to staff & volunteers and their families in appreciation of all their hard work.  Free movie with free popcorn.  Showing it this Saturday afternoon.

Meagan's heading here in August!  So proud of her!

Love this little sign!  Just says it all!

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