Monday, November 4, 2013

Still sick.

In the last month, I have had the flu, bronchitis, and now a virus.  I'm getting tired of being sick.  I know the Lord brought me here to this beautiful place by the sea so I could do His work.  I've been doing work with Living Hope and really enjoy what I'm doing.  But, no one wants to hear my "seal imitation"!  Just last week, Avril called us together to talk about patients with TB coming into the office and how we need to protect ourselves by asking them to wear a mask.

Today, Avril asked if my doctor had done a TB test on me.  That did little to encourage me.  I told God so.  Then, Ruth called, said she had been thinking of me and wondered how I was feeling and what the doctor said.  (Thanks, Lord.)  Shortly after that, David called.  He's our small group leader.  He said he didn't see me at church yesterday and wondered how I was.  He also asked if there was anything he could do to help.  I told him about the picture I've been trying to hang but just can't seem to get it right.  He said he'd be over after work to see what he can do.  I told him how much I appreciate his help.  That's when he said our group knows I'm here by myself and they want to be my family away from home.  He couldn't have said it better.  Thank You, Lord!  Then, his mother called and said she would stop by.  Thank You, thank You, Lord!  I so appreciate my "family away from home" and how You take care of me!

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