Monday, December 9, 2013

Heavy heart

I have a heavy heart tonight.  I just finished crocheting a little baby hat for one of the babies in Masi.  It's a township just a couple of miles from the Living Hope office.  Masiphumelele is the official name, but everyone calls it Masi.  There was a fire in Masi early Saturday morning.  Three adults and one 2-year-old child died in the fire.  That's hard enough to take, but the story behind the story is crushing.  One of the adults who died was the grandmother of the child.  She had just recently moved in with her 22-year-old daughter and got her ID booklet.  It was a long time coming from the government.  When the fire started in their primitive house, the grandma grabbed the child and put her on her back.  They got out in time, but the grandmother turned back into the flaming house, with the little girl still on her back, to retrieve her new ID booklet.  She never got out again; the flames and smoke overcame her...and her granddaughter.  I met the young woman who had lost both her mother and her child.  She sat on a chair with the pain reflected in her eyes.  I went to her and told her I was sorry for her loss.  She nodded.  When I hugged her, she held on to me, a stranger, like she was drowning in her sorrow.  I sat opposite her in a chair and asked if I could pray for her and took her hands.  I prayed that God would ease her pain and give her comfort and help her get through this.
Not only did we give her clothes, but made sure she had bedding and food. 

It's her haunting eyes that stay with me tonight.  Now I remember the same look in the eyes that I had seen before, years ago: after hurricane Katrina, I went with a medical group to a town near New Orleans.  The people there had that same look, that same haunted look in their eyes, like they had awakened too many mornings to realize the nightmare was real.

Please pray for this young woman.  God knows her name.  He has it engraved on the palm of His hand.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

It's been an unusual week!  A church donated $12,000 to the Life Skills Program.  That makes us $29,000 total: the $26,000 we asked God for, and some left over.  We serve an incredible God! 

Friday, I attended the monthly SIM prayer meeting.  I made brownies, with chocolate chips sent to me in a care package from the States.  Then, that evening, I went to a dinner party at Susan's.  I bought a meringue and we made a Pavlova dessert with whipped cream and fruit.  It was lovely.  I am learning all kinds of new recipes.

Nelson Madella died Thursday.  It was such a sad thing, though he had lived to 95 years. Everywhere I went, there was evidence of the respect and love that everyone in South Africa had for this great man.  Friday night when I was driving through St. James, there was a sign outside one of the shops that said it all: "Rest in peace, Madiba."

This morning, my neighbor, Gina, and I went to a Christmas bazaar, then decided to go to Constantia to the mall there...over the mountain.  I had never driven over the mountain and was rather afraid to do so because of the winding, narrow road.  But, with Gina with me, I wanted to try it...and I did!  Woohoo!  We found the mall and I did a little Christmas shopping, then we stopped for coffee (for Gina) and hot chocolate for me.  It wasn't until I arrived back home that I realized I didn't have the present.  I remembered leaving it on the chair next to me at the coffee shop.  But, I didn't pick it up again and left it there.  I went to Gina's and her and another neighbor, Angela wanted to go back to the mall with me.  Angela doesn't have a car and Gina doesn't drive hers much, so they were both glad to get out and go.  We didn't find the present; it was gone and no one turned it in.  We checked all of the stores we had visited but no one had seen it.  One of the stores we visited was a French pastry shop.  It had wonderful things and Gina and I both took something home.  I had not driven across the mountains until today and now, I've done it twice! That's a huge accomplishment for me!  Thank You, Lord! "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

They call me Ma!

Lifeskill Educators.  That's their title, the young people from South Africa who work at Living Hope.  Some are married, some not.  Actually, they are not all from South Africa.  Some are missionaries from the States...precisely, from Tennessee...and then there's me.  I am not young, but seasoned.  And they call me Ma!  In South Sudan, they called me Mama Grace.

These young men and women have a hard job, always dealing with HIV and AIDS, orphans, and death and dying.  They come into the Resource center to work on their lessons for the day or the next day and to print off those lessons and make copies for the children or teens.

I came up with an idea: to have a Bible Quiz every day.  I put a question on the wall above the computers.  They sometimes know the answer and sometimes don't and have to look it up, either by borrowing my Bible or they Google it.  Then,  they write their guess on a slip of colored paper and put it in the special box on my desk.  Around 12 or 1pm, I take all the correct answers and shake them up and have someone who didn't take the quiz today pull out a the winning name.  The winner gets a piece of candy from the jar on my desk.  They love "sweeties" as they're called.  One of the guys said, "Nobody just gives sweeties away for nothing.  There has to be a catch."  This is the answer the Lord gave me: "The catch is you opened the Bible to find the answer.  That's what I wanted you to do: open the Bible.  That's the catch!"  He nodded.  He understood.  Yesterday's question was, "What book and chapter of the Bible tells the story of the birth of Jesus?".  The answer could have been Matthew 1 or Luke 2.  At 1pm yesterday, we picked the "catch" man's buddy.  Today, the question was, "For God so loved the world..." The answer was John 3:16.  More answered today and all got it right.  Some told their buddies the wrong answer, trying to throw them off and give themselves better odds at winning.  They laugh and are having a good time.  They perform a service, a tough one.  They deserve a fun distraction.  Today, they kept coming in to the Resource Center to remind me it was time to draw the winner.  They crowded around my desk during "the big draw".
They call me Ma...and I feel like it.  These young men and women are my "other kids".  They just have a darker tan than I do!  Please pray for them and the people they serve.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New picture

New picture for my flat: beach huts - painted and framed at Living Way!

Living Hope

This is the Resource Center at Living Hope.  The Life Skill Educators are sorting toothbrushes that were donated.  No job too small!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Still sick.

In the last month, I have had the flu, bronchitis, and now a virus.  I'm getting tired of being sick.  I know the Lord brought me here to this beautiful place by the sea so I could do His work.  I've been doing work with Living Hope and really enjoy what I'm doing.  But, no one wants to hear my "seal imitation"!  Just last week, Avril called us together to talk about patients with TB coming into the office and how we need to protect ourselves by asking them to wear a mask.

Today, Avril asked if my doctor had done a TB test on me.  That did little to encourage me.  I told God so.  Then, Ruth called, said she had been thinking of me and wondered how I was feeling and what the doctor said.  (Thanks, Lord.)  Shortly after that, David called.  He's our small group leader.  He said he didn't see me at church yesterday and wondered how I was.  He also asked if there was anything he could do to help.  I told him about the picture I've been trying to hang but just can't seem to get it right.  He said he'd be over after work to see what he can do.  I told him how much I appreciate his help.  That's when he said our group knows I'm here by myself and they want to be my family away from home.  He couldn't have said it better.  Thank You, Lord!  Then, his mother called and said she would stop by.  Thank You, thank You, Lord!  I so appreciate my "family away from home" and how You take care of me!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Praying at 2 am.

It's after 2 in the morning. What am I doing up so late? Actually, I went to bed at 11 but woke up early.  God has been putting something on my heart.  It's a question asked by Henry Blackaby in his series, "The Prayer Life of Jesus": "If the destruction of America could be held back according to your prayer life, would it stay the hand of God?"  Would it?  I don't know.  Yes, I try to pray effectively every day.  I pray for my family and my church families.  I pray for special intentions, for those that are sick or having surgery, or waiting for transplants.  I pray for the lost: unsaved loved ones, the lost sons and daughters of friends, and the family of a pilot lost at sea.  I pray for those who need jobs.  I pray for the dark places of this world: for God to send missionaries to Eritrea, to the 4000 Wa people on the border of Myanmar, and for Reunion Island, for spiritual darkness to be overcome by God's light.  I pray for the marriages I know are not strong or ones that are struggling.  I pray for the health and expansion of churches, for mission leaders, for specific missionaries.  I pray for expectant friends, that their unborn babies will grow healthy and strong.  I pray for peace in various places in the world: Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Kenya.  I thank God for the prayers He has answered.  All this is perhaps notable, but would it stay the hand of God if He were about to destroy America for her sinfulness?  I doubt it.

God has convinced me I need to be specifically praying for my country, asking for God to forgive her, praying that the people of America will 'humble themselves, pray and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways' (2 Chronicles 7:14).  I need to pray earnestly for America and her leaders to turn to God.  I am sure that America is on a downhill spiral, turning her back on God.  How long before God grows tired of the insults?  Why does He wake me at 2am to pray for my country?  I'm awake, Lord.  I'm listening.  I'm praying.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Flu for a week!

Oct. 8, 2013
There's only one thing worse than having the flu for a week, and that's being alone and away from home and having the flu!  But, God took care of me through my neighbors checking on me often, along with SIM friends stopping by to go grocery shopping for me and do up my dishes.  After 4 days of the flu, I was able to get out to go to the doctor.  He gave me some antibiotics for a bacterial infection and told me to stop my blood pressure medicine for a few days because I was dehydrated, making my bp low.  But, all is well now and I am feeling back to normal again.  Thank You, Lord!

Today was my second day at Living Hope and I'm so excited at the direction the Lord seems to be taking me.  I will be doing 20 hours a week as a volunteer there, leaving some time for working with SIM.  This week, I am attending some Counseling training for lay people taught by a team from Seattle.  I am so delighted to be around folks that I can understand!  Yes, they speak English here in South Africa...but, some have strong Dutch accents.  I generally have to listen so carefully to make sure I don't miss anything that is being said that my ears get tired!  It's wonderful to be here where there is such a mixture of accents.  That's why South Africa is called the Rainbow Nation!

I took a tour of the 4 Living Hope ministries yesterday with the Seattle team.  It was so informational to hear and see what the Lord has done with Living Hope and how they are helping people.  Within Living Hope, there is a health care ministry called Living Care with a 22-bed facility, as well as home based care and community support groups of HIV and AIDS patients.  Living Right reaches out to more than 6000 children a year by teaching them to make healthy choices as well as mobile health screening with HIV and TB testing and counseling.  This will also be the area that I will participate in with the formation of a ministry called MotherCare, in which I will be teaching moms with HIV about Nutrition for themselves and their children and about breastfeeding benefits.  Living Way teaches people skills needed to earn their way out of poverty. Living Grace serves street people with a meal and shower facilities.  They also run an out-patient substance abuse rehab at 2 locations.  This organization is a partner with SIM and is doing wonderful stuff. 

Today was the warmest day so far (about 80 degrees) and warmer weather is on it's way here since we are going into their summer.  (Suffering for Jesus here!)

Thanks and blessings,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pictures of S.A.

Kalk Bay & Cape Peninsula
Wearing Joey Sheehy bracelet at Boulder's Beach in Simon's Town, South Africa.
Penguin colony at Boulder's Beach.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A lot accomplished in a week!

Hi, friends & family!
Had a Facebook & email dry-spell for almost a week!  But, I was able to get a lot done: finally got internet connected, walked to town 3 times, walked along the Jag Walk (a cement walking trail from the beach around part of the mountain with beautiful views of the bay and benches to sit and enjoy).  Found a yarn store in Fish Hoek!!!  As many of you know, this was high on my priority list!  Wonderful place!  Also, they have a gathering on the 4th Saturday of the month when they close the shop and ladies come together to knit or crochet and share.  My kind of place!  Got a new simple phone when I landed in Johannesburg.  I'm able to call Tina and her brother Joe once a week.  Now that I have internet, I'll be able to Skype for cheaper.  Joe is doing better and seems in good spirits.

I got my car today!!  Woohoo!  Daniel, a young man from the office, has been teaching me to drive on the "other" side of the road.  I've had 2 lessons and "flew solo" today.  (I got lost for about 20 minutes and I only stalled it once!  Daniel said I did okay.)  The office is pretty easy to get to from Fish Hoek: just stay on Main Rd all the way until I get to the Blue Route Mall and turn left!  I've found 2 large malls, one in Fish Hoek and the Blue Route by the office.  Beautiful big malls!

Tomorrow, I will travel down the coast a ways and go see the penguins.  Haven't really done much sight-seeing without a car.  People from the office have really been good to me to take me places.
I did see something on my way home today: a Southern Right Whale in the bay with her new baby.  There are 4 bays opening out to the Atlantic Ocean on the peninsula and the Right Whales show up in Spring (which is now here, south of the equator) to have their babies.  I saw a mama and baby in the bay today.  I'll take my camera tomorrow as I head along the coast and post some pictures.  I'm still pinching myself and thanking the Lord for bringing me here.  It is such a beautiful place with the seaside and the mountains.

I'm also thanking God for my car and my flat (apartment)!  It has so many built-in blond-colored cupboards in each room!  The unfortunate thing is I think the owners were tall!  It has tall ceilings and cupboards all the way up.  I do have a ladder but think I will get a more sturdy step-ladder.

I went to church Sunday to King of Kings Baptist and really liked it.  Don't know if every church is like this one, but I got hugs instead of handshakes from all the women.  That's just how they roll; very friendly group of about 400 folks, a lot of retirees live in Fish Hoek, so I pretty much fit right in.  Already I will go to a home group a few blocks from here tomorrow night.  God is putting everything in place.

Was also able to go talk with the director of Living Hope where I will be training/volunteering for the next few months to get some experience with HIV and AIDS patients and orphans.  The director was so excited that I taught Nutrition in Sudan; she said she has been praying that God would send someone with that background to teach the mamas.

2 prayer requests:
     - I need to make a decision regarding what area I want to be in at Living Hope.  I am drawn to teaching Nutrition to the mamas, but there are many other areas in which I can help.  Please pray the Lord will tell me where He wants me at this time.
    - The pastor of King of Kings, John Thomas (who is the founder of Living Hope) has contracted Rickettsia, also known here as Tick-Bite Fever.  He has been in the hospital and has suffered greatly with it and lost a lot of weight in the past few months.  He is home now but still on antibiotics.  Please pray that he will "turn the corner" and recover well and quickly.

Thanks to all for your encouragement and prayers!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cape Town!

I flew to Cape Town today...a two hour flight.  I was a bit concerned last night because when I tried to check in online, the message said there was no such booking number.  So, I anticipated a problem when I arrived at the airport.  I prayed for favor and He gave it to me: I was in the system and had no problem getting my ticket approved and going through customs.  I also was under the weight limit.

When I was at the gate, I was 4th in line in the queue.  That's how they do it here: first at the gate is first in line to board.  There was a South African man ahead of me in line and he asked if I was going to Cape Town on holiday (a typical question here).  So far, I have found South Africans to be very friendly and helpful.  I told him my reason for coming, that I was a missionary working with with those with HIV and AIDS and with orphans.  We talked while we waited and soon, the man who was first in the queue stepped aside and asked me if I would like to be first in line.  I was surprised and pleased.  I told him that was nice and yes, I would.  He said I deserved it, that I was special.  I told him I didn't think I was special.  He then said that I was very special.  Wow.  I was humbled by that.  What a nice thing to say and do!

When I boarded the plane, I was in an isle seat and two middle-aged men sat next to me in the row.  They were both television producers from Great Britain.  I was quiet for a while, then the same question from the man next to me in the middle seat: are you going to Cape Town on holiday (many people do).  When I explained what I was doing there, he asked many questions about my faith and my belief in God.  I could tell he was a seeker, a non-Christian.  What a wonderful opportunity God gave me to witness to this man!  When I told him that I found God to be what I had been looking for all my life, and that He gave me peace and a purpose, the man said he also was searching for that.  It was a blessed moment and I thank God for it!  We talked for about an hour or so and then exchanged email addresses.  I told him to contact me any time with questions and I would try to answer them.  He said he would definitely be in touch, and I believe he will.  I just love how God arranges things!  What a joy meeting this man was, knowing that God may be drawing him! Maybe one more for Jesus! I am praying for the man.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Back from the HIV and AIDS training in Pretoria, S.A.  I learned so much! 

So impressed with how modern South Africa is!  Clean streets, well-paved roads.  The Johannesburg airport rivaled anything in Europe or America.  I felt like I had just stepped into an American city, or perhaps, a European city when I stepped off the plane.  Can't wait to get to Cape Town and Fish Hoek!  Cape Town tomorrow! 

God has been so good to me through the whole training: got very close to many of the other 26 participants, most from many different countries around the world.  Ireland, Holland, Austria, Korea, Japan, South Africa, Kenya, England, Canada, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Congo, Switzerland, Romania, and America!  Such a diverse and warm-hearted group, many missionaries who are serving all over the world.  I was in awe of their faith and their calling!  Please pray for this training (God knows it by name), and for all of us who were led to it by God for a reason.  And pray for the resolve that we all feel to be God's hands and feet as we strive to accept and help those of God's children who have been affected by HIV and AIDS.

Well, got to pack...again, then off to bed.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In South Africa! PTL!

I'm here in South Africa!  My trip was delayed from Atlanta to Johannesburg by an hour and a half due to a damaged cargo door. Switched planes.  Waited for catering to bring the food for the flight.  If we had been delayed 15 more minutes, we would have had to have a new crew since the pilot can only be on duty so many hours and he was pushing his limit with the long flight and delay.  But, God answered the prayer and we were off.  I was tired last night but am okay today.

Leaving this morning for training in Pretoria.  Will catch the Gautrain (pronounced how-train) and be there in less than 40 minutes.  It goes about 75 miles per hour.

The weather is cool but sunny.  From what I've seen of the city, it is very modern and clean.
I am so grateful to the Lord for sending me here.  All the SIM folks have welcomed me already.

I am grateful to God for all my praying friends and family, too.  Please continue to pray for me and this mission that God has me on.

Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013
Found new picture of Fish Hoek, where I will be living in South Africa!

3 days

August 30, 2013
Just 3 days left!  Couldn't sleep, thinking about my list of things yet to do.
Went to Austin Pulse singles group last night.  Was able to show "Project Hope" video.  Only 6 minutes, but such a powerful 6 minutes!  Each time I see it, I am reminded that this is what I am to do when I go where the Lord wants me: South Africa.  I am to just show up.  To love people as Jesus did.  He didn't ask the blind man how he became blind, He just touched him and healed him.  It shouldn't matter how a person got HIV/AIDS.  Did the doctor give him bad blood?  Did he make a sinful choice?  It shouldn't matter.  He's sick.  Would I think differently of him if he had cancer?  I will just love him as Jesus did.
Wonderful video of Living Hope: .  So many sick people.  Living in poverty.  Lord, prepare my heart!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013
My trunks are packed except for a few last-minute things.  I have 2 "free" trunks plus carry on, but haven't weighed them yet.  I'm allowed 50 pounds each, but when I fly from Johannesburg to Cape Town, I have only one free bag plus carry on.  The other bag will cost me $25 to take...not bad.  But, they can only be 44 pounds each on that leg of the journey.  So must make sure they are the smaller amount to begin with.

New Blog

New blog.  I posted some pictures of South Africa and of me and my daughter, Tina.

This will be where I blog about this new adventure on which the Lord is sending me.  I need to do some creative work on this, but it's a start.