Hi, friends & family!
Had a Facebook & email dry-spell for almost a week! But, I was able to get a lot done: finally got internet connected, walked to town 3 times, walked along the Jag Walk (a cement walking trail from the beach around part of the mountain with beautiful views of the bay and benches to sit and enjoy). Found a yarn store in Fish Hoek!!! As many of you know, this was high on my priority list! Wonderful place! Also, they have a gathering on the 4th Saturday of the month when they close the shop and ladies come together to knit or crochet and share. My kind of place! Got a new simple phone when I landed in Johannesburg. I'm able to call Tina and her brother Joe once a week. Now that I have internet, I'll be able to Skype for cheaper. Joe is doing better and seems in good spirits.
I got my car today!! Woohoo! Daniel, a young man from the office, has been teaching me to drive on the "other" side of the road. I've had 2 lessons and "flew solo" today. (I got lost for about 20 minutes and I only stalled it once! Daniel said I did okay.) The office is pretty easy to get to from Fish Hoek: just stay on Main Rd all the way until I get to the Blue Route Mall and turn left! I've found 2 large malls, one in Fish Hoek and the Blue Route by the office. Beautiful big malls!
Tomorrow, I will travel down the coast a ways and go see the penguins. Haven't really done much sight-seeing without a car. People from the office have really been good to me to take me places.
I did see something on my way home today: a Southern Right Whale in the bay with her new baby. There are 4 bays opening out to the Atlantic Ocean on the peninsula and the Right Whales show up in Spring (which is now here, south of the equator) to have their babies. I saw a mama and baby in the bay today. I'll take my camera tomorrow as I head along the coast and post some pictures. I'm still pinching myself and thanking the Lord for bringing me here. It is such a beautiful place with the seaside and the mountains.
I'm also thanking God for my car and my flat (apartment)! It has so many built-in blond-colored cupboards in each room! The unfortunate thing is I think the owners were tall! It has tall ceilings and cupboards all the way up. I do have a ladder but think I will get a more sturdy step-ladder.
I went to church Sunday to King of Kings Baptist and really liked it. Don't know if every church is like this one, but I got hugs instead of handshakes from all the women. That's just how they roll; very friendly group of about 400 folks, a lot of retirees live in Fish Hoek, so I pretty much fit right in. Already I will go to a home group a few blocks from here tomorrow night. God is putting everything in place.
Was also able to go talk with the director of Living Hope where I will be training/volunteering for the next few months to get some experience with HIV and AIDS patients and orphans. The director was so excited that I taught Nutrition in Sudan; she said she has been praying that God would send someone with that background to teach the mamas.
2 prayer requests:
- I need to make a decision regarding what area I want to be in at Living Hope. I am drawn to teaching Nutrition to the mamas, but there are many other areas in which I can help. Please pray the Lord will tell me where He wants me at this time.
- The pastor of King of Kings, John Thomas (who is the founder of Living Hope) has contracted
Rickettsia, also known here as Tick-Bite Fever. He has been in the hospital and has suffered greatly with it and lost a lot of weight in the past few months. He is home now but still on antibiotics. Please pray that he will "turn the corner" and recover well and quickly.
Thanks to all for your encouragement and prayers!